Immerse Yourself In A Buyer’s World

A Podcast Designed To Give You Go-To-Market Gems To Enhance Your Customer Journey

Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

Do I Need A Digital Sales Room? A Session With G2's Eugene Bowen

#30 Explore the future of B2B buying and selling with Hannah Ajikawo and Blue Bowen from G2. Discover how Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs) are transforming buyer engagement, streamlining sales processes, and aligning with evolving buyer preferences. Learn practical strategies to enhance your sales approach in this insightful episode of A Buyer’s World

Understanding the Future of B2B Buying and Selling

In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Blue Bowen, Research Principal at G2, to explore the evolving landscape of B2B buying and selling. As digital transformation accelerates, the buying process has changed significantly. Blue delves into how the increasing similarity between B2B and B2C purchasing behaviours is reshaping the sales landscape.

The Rise of Digital Sales Rooms

Blue introduces the concept of Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs), explaining how they centralize all buyer-seller interactions, making it easier for buyers to access relevant content, track engagement, and communicate effectively. He highlights the importance of meeting buyers where they are and discusses how DSRs help streamline the decision-making process by providing a single, organized digital portal for all sales-related activities.

Buyer Preferences and the Need for Seamless Experiences

The conversation turns to the evolving preferences of B2B buyers. Blue shares insights from G2's latest research, revealing that while buyers desire self-service options, they still value timely and relevant engagement from sales professionals. The episode explores how DSRs can enhance the buyer experience by offering transparency and ease of access, ultimately supporting the sales process.

Key Takeaways on Enhancing Buyer Engagement

  • Digital Sales Rooms: How DSRs improve buyer engagement by centralizing communication and content.

  • Buyer Preferences: Understanding the balance between self-service and the need for proactive sales engagement.

  • Sales Strategies: The importance of aligning sales tactics with the evolving needs of B2B buyers.

  • Technology Adoption: How tools like DSRs can provide a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.

Learn How to Leverage Digital Sales Rooms for B2B Success

This episode is essential for B2B sales professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing landscape of buying and selling. Blue Bowen’s insights provide practical steps to adopt digital sales rooms and refine your approach to meet modern buyer expectations.

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Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

What is Value Selling & How Do You Scale It?

#29 Explore the critical role of value selling and ROI in B2B sales with Martin Blinder, CEO of Simbi. Learn how to build compelling business cases, engage buyers with value-driven conversations, and overcome common ROI challenges. Perfect for B2B sales leaders seeking to elevate their sales process

The Importance of ROI in B2B Sales

In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo, CEO and founder of Revenue Funnel, welcomes Martin Blinder, CEO of Symbe, to discuss the critical role of value selling and ROI in B2B sales. Martin shares his expertise on how B2B tech companies can better articulate and deliver return on investment, ensuring that sales teams are equipped to build compelling business cases from the very first interaction.

    How to Build a Compelling Business Case: Strategies for Value Selling

    Martin emphasizes the need for sales teams to engage in value-driven conversations early in the sales process. He discusses how creating a value hypothesis can lead to deeper customer insights and larger deal sizes. By aligning business cases with the specific needs of prospects, sales teams can foster stronger relationships and improve win rates.

    Overcoming Common Challenges in Value Selling and ROI Calculation

    Throughout the discussion, Martin addresses common misconceptions about ROI, particularly the overemphasis on cost. He explains how to broaden the scope of ROI to include operational efficiencies, risk mitigation, and opportunity costs. By coaching buyers and helping them build business cases, sales teams can better navigate complex decision-making processes and secure buy-in from multiple stakeholders.

    Key Takeaways on Value Selling for B2B Success

    • Value Hypothesis: Start with a value hypothesis to guide early sales conversations.

    • Business Case Development: Collaborate with prospects to build compelling, tailored business cases.

    • Operational Efficiency: Beyond cost savings, highlight operational efficiencies and risk mitigation in ROI discussions.

    • Customer Success Alignment: Ensure continuity of the business case post-sale to drive long-term customer value.

    Learn How to Elevate Your Sales Process with Value Selling Techniques

    This episode is a must-listen for B2B sales leaders and professionals looking to enhance their approach to value selling. Martin Blinder’s insights provide actionable strategies for improving ROI articulation and building stronger, more persuasive business cases.

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      Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

      The Million Dollar Content Strategy PLUS Live Coaching with ScoreApp CMO Martin Huntbach

      #28 Unlock the secrets to a million-dollar content strategy with Martin Huntbach, CMO of ScoreApp. In this episode, learn how to generate leads, build trust, and drive sales through effective content marketing. Gain practical tips from our live coaching session to optimize your B2B go-to-market strategy.

      In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Martin Huntbach, the CMO of ScoreApp and co-founder of Jammy Digital, dives deep into the importance of a well-crafted content strategy. If you're not incorporating content into your go-to-market plan, you're missing out on significant opportunities. Martin explains how content creation is the cornerstone of attracting and converting leads, and why it's essential to focus on the right kind of content.

        How to Create Content That Converts

        Martin shares his insights on how to create content that doesn't just attract attention but also converts leads into loyal customers. He emphasizes the importance of addressing key questions like pricing and service availability upfront to build trust with your audience. Martin also discusses the concept of repelling the wrong audience and attracting the right one, ensuring that your content resonates with those who are most likely to become customers.

        Real-Life Success with Content Marketing

        In a live coaching session, Martin reveals how his content strategy generated over 500 leads in just one year, demonstrating the tangible impact of effective content marketing. By focusing on clear communication and consistency, Martin and his team have turned content into a powerful asset that drives sales and builds authority in the market.

        Key Takeaways on Content Strategy for B2B Success

        • Content Creation: How consistent, valuable content can elevate your brand.

        • Lead Generation: Using content to attract and convert qualified leads.

        • Customer Trust: Building trust through transparent communication.

        • Sales Enablement: How content supports sales teams by reducing buyer friction.

        Learn from the Experts on Effective Content Strategies

        This episode is a must-watch for B2B marketers and sales professionals looking to enhance their content strategy. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your approach, Martin Huntbach's insights will provide you with actionable steps to improve your content marketing efforts.

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          Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

          How To Overcome Revenue Hurdles in SaaS

          #27 Join Hannah Ajikawo and Pete Crosby as they explore actionable strategies to overcome B2B revenue hurdles. Learn how to identify and remove go-to-market blockers, the importance of addressing pain points, and why strong relationships are key to driving sales success. Perfect for B2B leaders seeking sustainable growth

          Unlocking the Secrets to Overcoming Revenue Challenges in B2B Companies

          In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo, CEO and founder of Revenue Funnel, sits down with Pete Crosby CEO of Revelesco seasoned revenue leader and four-time Chief Revenue Officer, to uncover the strategies needed to overcome revenue hurdles in B2B companies. Pete shares his insights on the critical role that understanding and addressing pain points play in successful revenue strategy development.

            Strategic Approaches to Identifying and Removing Go-to-Market Blockers

            Pete discusses his extensive experience in identifying and eliminating go-to-market blockers that often stall revenue growth. He emphasizes the importance of rethinking traditional approaches and focuses on the necessity of addressing fundamental issues within an organization’s revenue strategy.

            The Importance of Relationships in Driving Sales Success

            The episode also delves into the often-overlooked role of relationships in the sales process. Pete and Hannah explore how strong, authentic connections can be a game-changer in driving sales and ensuring long-term business sustainability. They highlight the need for leaders to not only focus on strategy but also on the human elements that contribute to sales success.

            Key Takeaways on Overcoming Revenue Challenges in B2B

            • Pain Points: How identifying and addressing pain points is crucial for effective revenue strategy.

            • Go-to-Market Strategy: Strategies for removing blockers and ensuring smoother revenue growth.

            • Relationship Building: The impact of strong relationships on sales success.

            • Strategic Thinking: Rethinking traditional approaches to better align with today’s B2B landscape.

            Expert Insights on Revenue Growth Strategies

            This episode is essential listening for B2B leaders and revenue professionals looking to overcome obstacles in their go-to-market strategies. Pete Crosby's expertise provides actionable insights that can help businesses refine their revenue approaches and achieve sustainable growth.

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              Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

              How To Connect With B2B Buyers in 2024

              #26 Join host Hannah Ajikawo and Cody from G2 on The Buyer’s World Podcast as they explore changing B2B buying behaviors. Learn about the importance of trust, leveraging AI for market strategies, and practical tips for building strong buyer relationships. Discover insights from G2's comprehensive B2B Buyer Behavior report.

              Understanding the Future of B2B Buying and Selling

              In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Blue Bowen, Research Principal at G2, to explore the evolving landscape of B2B buying and selling. As digital transformation accelerates, the buying process has changed significantly. Blue delves into how the increasing similarity between B2B and B2C purchasing behaviors is reshaping the sales landscape.

                The Rise of Digital Sales Rooms

                Blue introduces the concept of Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs), explaining how they centralize all buyer-seller interactions, making it easier for buyers to access relevant content, track engagement, and communicate effectively. He highlights the importance of meeting buyers where they are and discusses how DSRs help streamline the decision-making process by providing a single, organized digital portal for all sales-related activities.

                Buyer Preferences and the Need for Seamless Experiences

                The conversation turns to the evolving preferences of B2B buyers. Blue shares insights from G2's latest research, revealing that while buyers desire self-service options, they still value timely and relevant engagement from sales professionals. The episode explores how DSRs can enhance the buyer experience by offering transparency and ease of access, ultimately supporting the sales process.

                Key Takeaways on Enhancing Buyer Engagement

                • Digital Sales Rooms: How DSRs improve buyer engagement by centralizing communication and content.

                • Buyer Preferences: Understanding the balance between self-service and the need for proactive sales engagement.

                • Sales Strategies: The importance of aligning sales tactics with the evolving needs of B2B buyers.

                • Technology Adoption: How tools like DSRs can provide a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.

                Learn How to Leverage Digital Sales Rooms for B2B Success

                This episode is essential for B2B sales professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing landscape of buying and selling. Blue Bowen’s insights provide practical steps to adopt digital sales rooms and refine your approach to meet modern buyer expectations.

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                  Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                  Transforming Beliefs to Boost Sales

                  #25 Join host Hannah Ajikawo on A Buyer’s World Podcast as she chats with Rosa Yupari Burns about the impact of limiting beliefs on sales performance. Discover how overcoming these beliefs can boost sales success. Rosa shares practical strategies to shift mindsets, enhance the buyer's journey, and generate more revenue.

                  Understanding Limiting Beliefs and Their Impact on Sales

                  In this episode of A Buyer's World, Hannah Ajikawo, CEO and founder of Revenue Funnel, is joined by Rosa Ipari, a fractional CRO, to discuss the concept of limiting beliefs and their impact on sales performance. The conversation delves into how these internal narratives can prevent sales professionals from taking the necessary actions to close deals and generate revenue.

                    The Role of Limiting Beliefs in the Sales Funnel

                    Rosa and Hannah explore specific examples of limiting beliefs that surface throughout the sales funnel—from prospecting to closing. They discuss how these beliefs can hinder sales activities, such as avoiding outreach due to the belief that prospects don't want to be sold to, or hesitating to ask tough questions during discovery calls.

                    Strategies for Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

                    The discussion then shifts to practical strategies for overcoming these limiting beliefs. Rosa emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the value of writing down these beliefs to confront and challenge them. They also highlight the power of data and evidence in breaking down these mental barriers, enabling sales professionals to take action confidently.

                    Key Takeaways on Addressing Limiting Beliefs

                    • Self-Awareness: Recognizing and acknowledging limiting beliefs is the first step toward overcoming them.

                    • Challenging Beliefs: Use data and evidence to challenge and disprove limiting beliefs.

                    • Proactive Engagement: Don't let assumptions prevent you from reaching out or asking critical questions.

                    • Networking as Outbound: Treat networking as an essential part of outbound sales efforts.

                    Learn How to Liberate Yourself from Limiting Beliefs in Sales

                    This episode is essential for sales professionals looking to break free from the constraints of limiting beliefs. By understanding and addressing these internal narratives, you can improve your sales performance and unlock new opportunities for growth.

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                      Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                      How to Talk So Customers Listen

                      #24 Join Hannah and Roderick Jefferson, as they delve into crucial strategies for revenue leaders to enhance buyer communication, focusing on nurturing relationships rather than pushing sales.

                      Understanding the Importance of Customer-Centric Conversations

                      In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Roderick Jefferson, CEO and founder of Roderick Jefferson and Associates. They dive into the essential topic of how to talk so customers listen, especially in today’s evolving sales landscape. The conversation focuses on the need for sales reps to build genuine connections with their prospects by understanding their buyer's journey and leading with empathy and trust. Roderick shares his experience from over 30 years in sales, including his time at eBay, HP, Oracle, and Salesforce.

                        The Shift from Selling to Helping

                        Roderick emphasizes that the traditional approach to selling, which focuses on the company's sales process and product, is outdated. Instead, sales reps need to align with the buyer’s journey and focus on helping rather than selling. He explains that modern sales require a shift in mindset where building relationships and providing real value to the customer are at the forefront. The discussion highlights the importance of asking the right questions to understand the customer's needs, motivations, and decision-making processes.

                        The Role of AI in Modern Sales Strategy

                        The conversation also covers the growing role of AI in sales, with Roderick outlining six ways AI can be leveraged to increase efficiency and productivity. These include streamlining lead scoring, automating task management, providing real-time analytics, offering personalized sales coaching, optimizing the sales process, and automating customer communications. He stresses that AI should be used to complement human interaction, not replace it, by enabling more personalized and effective customer engagement.

                        Key Takeaways on Improving Customer Engagement

                        • Buyer’s Journey: Focus on the buyer's journey rather than just your sales process.

                        • AI Integration: Utilize AI to enhance efficiency and personalization in your sales process.

                        • Relationship Building: Lead with empathy and build genuine relationships to gain trust and improve customer engagement.

                        • Coaching: Sales leaders should focus on coaching their reps to help them understand how to assist rather than just sell.

                        Learn How to Foster Meaningful Customer Relationships

                        This episode provides valuable insights for sales professionals looking to enhance their customer interactions and drive better results. By focusing on building relationships, leveraging AI, and aligning with the buyer's journey, sales reps can improve their engagement and close more deals. Roderick Jefferson's expertise offers practical advice for both sales reps and leaders on how to adapt to the changing sales landscape.

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                          Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                          Going Beyond The Sale To Wow Customers

                          #23 Hannah is joined by Eric Siano in this episode where they discuss practical strategies for B2B tech companies to improve their go-to-market efforts, align sales, marketing, and customer success teams around a shared revenue goal, and the role of AI and ethical considerations in modern marketing

                          The Importance of Aligning Sales and Marketing

                          In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo welcomes Eric Ciano, a seasoned fractional CMO and startup coach with extensive experience in marketing and sales. They discuss the critical importance of aligning sales and marketing teams around shared goals to better understand and meet customer needs. Eric shares his insights on how businesses can break down silos between departments, ensuring that all teams work together to create a seamless and effective go-to-market strategy.

                            Adapting Marketing Strategies to Meet Customer Needs

                            Eric emphasizes the need for agility in marketing strategies, highlighting how companies must be adaptable and responsive to the changing needs of their customers. He discusses the value of focusing on specific objectives, simplifying messages, and prioritizing customer-centric approaches to drive better engagement and results. The conversation also touches on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in modern marketing, stressing the importance of using AI as a tool to enhance human-led strategies.

                            The Role of Relationships in Business Success

                            A key point of discussion is the role of relationships in sales and marketing. Eric argues that building trust and credibility is essential for long-term business success, and that companies should focus on being trusted advisors to their clients. This approach, he notes, is more effective than traditional sales tactics that prioritize short-term gains over long-term customer satisfaction.

                            Key Takeaways on Aligning Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success

                            • Customer Alignment: Ensure all teams are aligned around a common understanding of customer needs and goals.

                            • Agility in Strategy: Be flexible and responsive in your marketing strategies to adapt to changing market conditions.

                            • Relationship Building: Focus on building trust and credibility with customers to foster long-term relationships.

                            • AI in Marketing: Use AI to complement and enhance human-led strategies, not to replace them.

                            Strategies for Better Sales and Marketing Integration

                            This episode offers valuable insights for businesses looking to improve their sales and marketing integration. By aligning teams, focusing on customer needs, and leveraging AI effectively, companies can create more cohesive and successful go-to-market strategies. Eric Ciano's experience provides practical guidance on how to navigate the complexities of modern marketing and sales.

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                              Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                              Grow Customer Revenue With 3 Easy Strategies

                              #21 Hannah Ajikawo and Eric Nelson, CEO of Rev Dimensions, dive into ways to increase revenue from customers and sharpen how high-growth tech companies present themselves and sell

                              The Importance of Focus and Messaging in Revenue Growth

                              In this episode of A Buyer’s World, Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Eric Nelson, founder and CEO of Rev Dimensions, to discuss the critical role of focus, positioning, and expanding existing accounts in driving revenue. They emphasize how companies can increase growth by narrowing their ICP (Ideal Customer Profile), structuring their teams effectively, and honing in on targeted messaging that speaks directly to prospects. With decades of experience in SaaS and go-to-market strategy, Eric offers insights into the importance of looking beyond just top-of-funnel activities to focus on existing customers and strategic account expansion.

                                Aligning Focus and Positioning for Better Results

                                Eric and Hannah dive into why so many companies struggle with maintaining focus and how this impacts revenue. They explore the importance of using data to refine ICPs and ensure teams are playing in the right market spaces. By aligning focus with positioning, companies can better tailor their messaging to address the needs of their ideal customers. Eric shares his experience working with SaaS organizations and how simple shifts in focus can have a huge impact on sales outcomes.

                                Expanding Revenue Through Existing Accounts

                                A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to the often-overlooked opportunity of expanding revenue through existing customers. Eric and Hannah discuss strategies for identifying white spaces within current accounts and why it's crucial to dedicate focused resources to nurturing these relationships. They also touch on how maintaining strong communication with key decision-makers and using customer success teams to drive expansion can lead to exponential growth.

                                Key Takeaways on Focusing, Messaging, and Expanding Accounts

                                • Focus on ICP: Narrow down your Ideal Customer Profile using data and historical success.

                                • Simplify Positioning: Create customer-centric messaging that tells real, relatable stories.

                                • Expand Existing Accounts: Dedicate focused resources to expanding relationships within current customers.

                                • Structure for Success: Ensure your organization is structured in a way that supports expansion efforts and customer retention.

                                Mastering the Art of Positioning and Account Expansion

                                This episode offers actionable insights for sales and marketing professionals looking to drive revenue growth through better focus, clear positioning, and expanding existing accounts. Eric Nelson shares valuable advice on creating a structured approach to account management and positioning that ensures businesses are consistently targeting the right opportunities.

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                                  Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                  Avoid These Mistakes When Expanding Your Business

                                  #20 Hannah Ajikawo, teams up with Scott Newton, a seasoned management consultant, to explore innovative strategies for revenue leaders and go-to-market teams aiming for bold growth in the coming quarter.

                                  In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Scott Newton, a seasoned management consultant and mentor at TechStars, to discuss the intersection of strategy and go-to-market approaches. The conversation covers the essence of strategy, the importance of bold growth, and practical steps for companies to unlock sustainable growth.

                                  Scott Newton's Background

                                  Scott Newton is a management consultant with decades of experience working with global organizations on growth and strategy. He is also involved in executive education and mentoring early-stage companies at TechStars. Scott’s focus is on helping companies achieve bold growth through strategic clarity and effective execution.

                                  Bold Growth:

                                  • Definition: Bold growth is about aiming for significant, transformative growth rather than incremental improvements. It involves delighting customers so much that they become advocates for your brand.

                                  • Example: Revolut's focus on international travelers created a strong word-of-mouth effect among its target audience, driving rapid growth.

                                  Strategy and Go-to-Market:

                                  • Unified Concept: Scott argues that strategy and go-to-market are the same. Strategy encompasses understanding your customers, defining what you will serve them with, and developing the necessary capabilities.

                                  • Demystifying Strategy: Strategy should not be a black box. It involves simple, clear decisions about who to serve, what to serve, and how to serve them effectively.

                                  Strategic Assumptions:

                                  • Importance: Identifying and testing strategic assumptions is crucial for avoiding costly mistakes.

                                  • Approach: Write down key assumptions about supply, demand, technology, and the legal environment. Test these assumptions to ensure they are valid.

                                  Operational vs. Strategic Focus:

                                  • Time Allocation: Leaders often spend more time on operations than strategy. Keeping a diary of where time is spent can reveal imbalances and help refocus efforts on strategic activities.

                                  • Meeting Dynamics: Strategy discussions should not be left for the end of meetings. They require dedicated time and attention.

                                  Experimentation and Execution:

                                  • Encouraging Innovation: Companies should foster a culture of experimentation, allowing for failure and learning from it.

                                  • Execution Excellence: World-class execution is as important as ideation. Focus resources on high-priority areas to ensure successful delivery.

                                  Customer-Centric Approach:

                                  • Understanding Customers: Continuously engage with customers to understand their needs and problems.

                                  • Customer Feedback: Utilize review sites, direct conversations, and other feedback mechanisms to gather insights.

                                  Technology and Sustainability:

                                  • Purpose-Driven Innovation: Scott highlights the importance of using technology for solving significant global issues, such as sustainability in mining.

                                  • Technology for Good: Examples like Sirus and Be My Eyes show how technology can drive meaningful change and improve lives.

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                                    Key Takeaways

                                    1. Focus on Bold Growth: Aim for transformative growth by deeply understanding and delighting your customers.

                                    2. Integrate Strategy and Go-to-Market: Treat strategy and go-to-market planning as a unified process, ensuring alignment across the organization.

                                    3. Test Strategic Assumptions: Identify and test key assumptions to avoid costly missteps.

                                    4. Prioritize Strategic Activities: Allocate sufficient time and resources to strategic planning and execution.

                                    5. Foster a Culture of Experimentation: Encourage innovation and be willing to learn from failures.

                                    6. Engage with Customers: Regularly interact with customers to gather insights and improve offerings.

                                    7. Leverage Technology for Good: Use technology to address significant problems and drive positive change.

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                                    Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                    How To Create A Content Strategy That Creates Revenue

                                    #19 Chelsea Castle, director of content brand at Lavender shares her expertise on using content effectively to build trust, align marketing and sales initiatives, and deeply understand and meet the audience's needs across various content formats.

                                    In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Chelsea Castle, Director of Content Brand at Lavender, to dive deep into the world of content creation and how it drives success for go-to-market teams. The discussion focuses on the importance of content, how to align content strategies with sales and marketing, and how to build trust with prospects through effective content.

                                    Chelsea Castle's Background

                                    Chelsea Castle is the Director of Content Brand at Lavender, an AI sales email tool. With a passion for storytelling and cross-functional relationships, Chelsea brings valuable insights into how content can drive sales and marketing success.

                                    The Role of Content:

                                    • Content in Sales: Content is crucial for educating prospects who are constantly researching online.

                                    • Alignment: Ensuring that sales and marketing teams are aligned in their messaging to avoid confusion and inconsistency.

                                    Content Ownership and Creation:

                                    • Marketing's Role: While marketing should own the content creation process, it’s beneficial to leverage internal subject matter experts (SMEs) for authentic storytelling.

                                    • Content Types: Content can range from written articles to videos, social media posts, and more. Each type serves a different purpose and audience need.

                                    Building Trust Through Content:

                                    • Trust as a Currency: Building trust with prospects is essential for long-term relationships and conversions.

                                    • Authenticity: Content should be authentic, relatable, and provide real value without expecting anything in return.

                                    Strategies for Effective Content Creation:

                                    • Internal and External Feedback: Gathering insights from internal teams (sales, CS) and external sources (customers, prospects) to inform content creation.

                                    • Content Organization: Using spreadsheets or other tools to organize feedback and prioritize content topics based on frequency and importance.

                                    Mediums and Distribution:

                                    • Leveraging Different Channels: Using various channels like social media, community events, and email to distribute content.

                                    • Repurposing Content: Creating content that can be sliced and diced into different formats to maximize reach and engagement.

                                    Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

                                    • Understanding Demand: Assessing where your audience searches for information and prioritizing SEM spend based on this insight.

                                    • Competitive Keywords: Considering the value of competitive keywords and deciding whether to invest in paid search based on the expected ROI.

                                    Analyzing Customer Feedback:

                                    • Gathering Data: Engaging with customers and using tools like call recordings to gather insights.

                                    • Prioritizing Feedback: Organizing and analyzing feedback to prioritize content creation based on common objections and requests.

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                                      Key Takeaways

                                      1. Customer-Centric Content: Focus on creating content that serves the audience, addresses their needs, and builds trust.

                                      2. Internal Collaboration: Work closely with internal teams to gather insights and ensure content aligns with overall sales and marketing strategies.

                                      3. Authenticity Matters: Authentic and relatable content resonates more with audiences and helps build long-term trust.

                                      4. Continuous Feedback Loop: Implement a system for regularly gathering and analyzing feedback to keep content relevant and effective.

                                      5. Strategic SEM: Use search engine marketing strategically by understanding your audience’s behavior and prioritizing high-impact keywords.

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                                      Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                      Building Community and Navigating Careers

                                      #18 Hannah Ajikawo, and Chantel George from Sistas in Sales, dive into how strong communities can uplift women of colour in the sales field

                                      In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Chantel George, founder and CEO of Sisters in Sales (CIS), to discuss the importance of community in the professional world. They explore how communities function, their impact on individual and collective growth, and how community has become a form of currency in today's business environment.

                                      Chantel George's Background

                                      Chantel George is the CEO and founder of Sisters in Sales (CIS), the largest network for women of color in sales globally. Chantel's journey started seven years ago as she sought answers to her personal questions about being successful in sales. This quest led to the formation of CIS, which now serves as a vital resource for thousands of women of color in sales.

                                      Understanding Community:

                                      • Definition: A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common, sharing certain attitudes and interests.

                                      • Function: Acts as a support system, providing a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

                                      Community as an Asset:

                                      • Investment: Communities require investment in terms of time, energy, and resources to thrive.

                                      • Benefits: They provide support, networking opportunities, and a platform for shared learning and growth.

                                      Building and Sustaining Communities:

                                      • Core Components: Give and take, awareness of members' needs, consistency in engagement, and creating structured events and programs.

                                      • Engagement: Active participation from members is crucial for the community's success.

                                      Pathways to Empowerment:

                                      • For Sales Professionals: Communities offer a safe space to ask questions, test new ideas, and gain insights from peers.

                                      • For Leaders: They provide a focus group for feedback and a platform to understand and address the needs of diverse team members.

                                      Community as Currency:

                                      • Leveraging Community: Being part of a community can open doors for professional opportunities and foster a sense of belonging and support.

                                      • Enterprise Sales: Building relationships with Fortune 500 companies through a comprehensive understanding of their needs and providing tailored solutions.

                                      Practical Application:

                                      • For Reps: Participating in community activities, seeking mentorship, and testing ideas.

                                      • For Leaders: Encouraging team members to join relevant communities and supporting their growth through external resources.

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                                        Key Takeaways

                                        1. Value of Community: Communities offer invaluable support, networking, and growth opportunities for both individuals and organizations.

                                        2. Building a Community: Requires active participation, consistency, and a deep understanding of members' needs and challenges.

                                        3. Empowering Through Community: Communities provide a platform for individuals to gain confidence, test ideas, and develop leadership skills.

                                        4. Community as a Strategic Asset: Leveraging community can drive professional growth, enhance brand awareness, and foster stronger business relationships.

                                        5. Leadership and Community: Leaders should actively support their team members' involvement in communities and leverage these networks to drive organizational success.

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                                        Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                        Become A Sales Rebel

                                        #17 Dale Dupree, founder and CSO of The Sales Rebellion shares insights from his extensive experience, challenging the status quo, and inspires us to choose legendary in our sales careers.

                                        In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Dale Dupree, founder of The Sales Rebellion, to discuss how to stand out and create memorable experiences for buyers. They delve into the concept of rebelling against traditional sales norms and how to bring authenticity and creativity into the sales process.

                                        Dale's Background

                                        Dale Dupree, known as the Copier Warrior, has a unique journey from being a musician signed with Warner Brothers to a top-performing sales professional in the copier industry. His approach to sales is rooted in creativity, authenticity, and a rebellion against traditional sales tactics. Dale emphasizes the importance of creating a culture that allows for creativity and autonomy in the sales process.

                                        Rebelling Against Sales Norms:

                                        • Creativity and Autonomy: Allowing sales reps the freedom to be creative and self-govern their activities leads to better results and job satisfaction.

                                        • Challenging Traditional Metrics: Moving away from an overemphasis on activity metrics (e.g., call quotas) and focusing on meaningful interactions and results.

                                        Creating a Human-Centric Sales Approach:

                                        • Abundance Mindset: Shifting from a scarcity mindset (focused on pain points) to an abundance mindset (focused on opportunities and positive outcomes).

                                        • Building Authentic Relationships: Engaging with buyers in a genuine, human way rather than relying on scripts and rigid processes.

                                        Innovative Sales Tactics:

                                        • Direct Mail: Using personalized and creative direct mail pieces to stand out and create memorable experiences for buyers.

                                        • Storytelling: Crafting future-state narratives that resonate with buyers and help them envision the benefits of your solution.

                                        Leadership and Culture:

                                        • Creating a Supportive Environment: Leaders should encourage creativity and provide the freedom for reps to try new approaches.

                                        • Accountability and Results: Holding reps accountable for results rather than micromanaging their activities.

                                        Practical Tips for Reps:

                                        • Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission: Empowering reps to take initiative and innovate, even if it means stepping outside traditional boundaries.

                                        • Humanizing Interactions: Focusing on genuine, meaningful interactions with buyers rather than just pushing for a sale.

                                        Addressing Common Challenges

                                        • Sales and Marketing Alignment: Discussing the importance of aligning sales and marketing efforts to create a seamless experience for buyers.

                                        • Overcoming Resistance to Change: Encouraging reps and leaders to embrace new approaches and challenge the status quo.

                                        • Managing Metrics and KPIs: Shifting focus from activity-based metrics to results-oriented metrics.

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                                          Key Takeaways

                                          1. Embrace Creativity: Allow sales reps the freedom to be creative and try new approaches.

                                          2. Focus on Relationships: Build authentic relationships with buyers by being genuine and human-centric.

                                          3. Shift Mindset: Move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset in your sales approach.

                                          4. Innovate in Sales Tactics: Use innovative tactics like personalized direct mail and storytelling to stand out.

                                          5. Lead by Example: Leaders should create a supportive environment that encourages innovation and holds reps accountable for results.

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                                          Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                          Sales Multi-Threading Explained

                                          #16 Hannah Ajikawo and Krysten Conner come together to discuss essential tips on how to strengthen your sales pipeline and enhance your multi-threading approach.

                                          In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Kristen, a seasoned sales professional with a teaching background, to discuss multithreading and how it can strengthen your pipeline. They share practical tips and strategies for effectively multithreading deals to improve win rates and de-risk decisions for buyers.

                                          Kristen's Background

                                          Kristen has been a sales rep at three unicorn companies: Salesforce, Tableau, and Outreach. With a strong background in both sales and teaching, she now focuses on using her experience to help others learn from her successes and mistakes. Her approach combines high-level sales experience with educational techniques to guide reps and leaders toward success.

                                          What Multithreading Isn’t

                                          Kristen and Hannah clarify common misconceptions about multithreading:

                                          • It is not mass emailing everyone in an organization.

                                          • It is not asking at the end of a call who else should be involved without a strategic plan.

                                          • It is not connecting with multiple people at a target account without a purpose.

                                          What Multithreading Is

                                          Multithreading involves strategically engaging multiple stakeholders within an organization to build consensus and support for a decision. This approach de-risks the decision for the buyer, making it easier for them to move forward with a purchase.

                                          Initial Interaction and Preparation

                                          Before the first interaction with a new prospect, reps should:

                                          • Conduct thorough research to identify potential stakeholders.

                                          • Reach out to key decision-makers and influencers to inform them of the upcoming meeting.

                                          • Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator or similar tools to map out the organization and develop a hypothesis about the decision-making unit.

                                          Post-Meeting Strategies

                                          After the initial meeting:

                                          • Verify who the key stakeholders are and involve them in follow-up discussions.

                                          • Send concise, value-focused recaps to all relevant parties.

                                          • Use digital sales rooms or virtual selling environments to facilitate ongoing communication and track engagement.

                                          Internal Multithreading

                                          Kristen emphasizes the importance of internal multithreading:

                                          • Engage internal executives and other team members to align with the prospect's executives.

                                          • Use ghostwritten emails to facilitate introductions and communications between internal and prospect executives.

                                          Addressing Common Challenges

                                          When dealing with large organizations with many potential stakeholders:

                                          • Focus on strategic initiatives and compelling events highlighted in public documents like 10-K reports.

                                          • Develop a hypothesis based on the organization's priorities and structure communications accordingly.

                                          Handling Resistance

                                          If a leader expresses concern about reaching out to multiple people:

                                          • Be transparent about your approach from the beginning.

                                          • Use permission-based strategies to keep stakeholders informed and involved.

                                          • Recognize that resistance can indicate a potential blocker and adjust your strategy accordingly.

                                          Final Tips for Sales Leaders

                                          Sales leaders should:

                                          • Provide reps with a Persona Matrix to simplify the process of identifying and engaging stakeholders.

                                          • Create templates for initial outreach, follow-ups, and introductions to make multithreading easier.

                                          • Encourage reps to seek insights from customer success and marketing teams to refine their approach.

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                                            Actionable Takeaways

                                            1. Conduct Thorough Research: Identify key stakeholders and develop a hypothesis about the decision-making unit before the first interaction.

                                            2. Be Transparent: Inform all relevant parties about meetings and follow-up actions to maintain trust and alignment.

                                            3. Leverage Internal Resources: Engage internal executives and team members to support multithreading efforts.

                                            4. Use Tools and Templates: Provide reps with the resources they need to effectively multithread and track engagement.

                                            5. Embrace Mistakes: Understand that mistakes are part of the learning process and focus on continuous improvement.

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                                            Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                            Mastering Value-Based Selling

                                            #15 Hannah Ajikawo, is joined by Sagar Shukla, based on their shared passion for understanding and communicating customer value in conversations with prospects.

                                            In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Sagar Sahler, co-founder and CEO of Foresight. They delve into the concept of perceived value and how to build a go-to-market blueprint that prioritizes customer value. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding and measuring value from the customer’s perspective throughout the buyer’s journey.

                                            Sagar Sahler's Background

                                            Sagar shares his journey from starting at a financial services startup competing with Salesforce to co-founding Foresight. His experiences in implementation and pre-sales roles helped him realize the critical importance of understanding and delivering customer value. At Foresight, Sagar and his team provide a framework and technology to help organizations operationalize a customer value-centric approach in both pre-sales and post-sales processes.

                                            Defining Perceived Value

                                            Sagar explains perceived value as the customer’s self-reported benefits from using a solution. He breaks it down into three components:

                                            1. Role of the Individual: Understanding the decision-maker, champion, or end user.

                                            2. Jobs to be Done: The specific tasks or objectives the customer is trying to accomplish.

                                            3. Outcome: The tangible results or benefits the customer experiences from the solution.

                                            He emphasizes that value can only be defined by the customer and must be measured consistently over time.

                                            Systematic and Orchestrated Approach

                                            Hannah and Sagar discuss the need for a systematic and orchestrated approach to understanding and delivering value. Key points include:

                                            • Regular Value Assessments: Conducting assessments at key points in the customer journey (pre-sales, onboarding, post-sales) to measure perceived value.

                                            • Training and Enablement: Upskilling sales and customer success teams to have value-centric conversations.

                                            • Cross-Functional Alignment: Ensuring all go-to-market teams (sales, customer success, account management) are aligned on delivering and measuring customer value.

                                            Leveraging Post-Sales Insights

                                            The conversation highlights the importance of leveraging insights from post-sales teams to inform pre-sales strategies. Sagar points out that post-sales teams often have valuable knowledge about customer experiences and challenges, which can be used to enhance training programs and improve overall customer engagement.

                                            Realizing and Measuring Value

                                            To realize and measure value effectively, organizations should:

                                            1. Define Value: Establish a clear and aligned internal definition of what value means for the customer.

                                            2. Conduct Litmus Tests: Assess the organization’s current ability to deliver and measure value.

                                            3. Implement a Value Framework: Adopt a structured approach to measure, track, and forecast customer value.

                                            4. Continuous Check-ins: Regularly check in with customers to ensure alignment on value and adjust strategies as needed.

                                            Real-World Examples and Challenges

                                            Sagar shares examples of organizations struggling with transitioning from product-centric to value-centric approaches. He discusses the challenges of upskilling teams and the importance of creating an insurance policy to mitigate risks and ensure ongoing customer satisfaction.

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                                              Actionable Takeaways

                                              1. Develop a Value Blueprint: Define what value means for your organization and customers. Ensure alignment across all teams.

                                              2. Regular Assessments: Conduct value assessments at key stages of the customer journey to measure and track perceived value.

                                              3. Upskill Teams: Invest in training programs that enable sales and customer success teams to have value-centric conversations.

                                              4. Leverage Post-Sales Insights: Use insights from post-sales teams to inform pre-sales strategies and enhance customer engagement.

                                              5. Create an Insurance Policy: Continuously check in with customers to ensure they are receiving the promised value and adjust strategies as needed.

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                                              Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                              Drive a 50% Sales Conversion Rate in B2B SaaS

                                              #14 Hannah is joined by Shawn Cook the founder of SMC Sales to discuss effective strategies for driving more value to an organisation and its customers.

                                              In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Sean Cook, a seasoned sales leader on a mission to create a new sales vocabulary. Together, they delve into the ABCs of sales, focusing on the concept of "compellent advantage," which combines being compelling and relevant in sales to drive value for both organizations and their customers.

                                              Sean Cook's Background and Philosophy

                                              Sean introduces himself and shares his extensive experience in sales, highlighting his mission to help sales professionals eliminate their chances of failure by aligning with buyers. He emphasizes the importance of clarity, continuous adaptation, and being genuinely interested in helping customers succeed.

                                              The Compellent Advantage

                                              Sean explains the concept of "compellent advantage," which combines being compelling and relevant to create powerful, irresistible value propositions. He stresses the need for sales professionals to be appropriate to the current time period or circumstances, aligning their strategies with what customers care about most.

                                              Strategic Focus and Execution

                                              Sean and Hannah discuss the importance of focus in sales strategy, particularly in account-based selling (ABS). They highlight the need for deep understanding of the ideal customer profile (ICP) and personas within target accounts. Sean shares insights on how companies can execute effective ABS strategies, emphasizing the significance of understanding buyer motivations and aligning sales processes with their needs.

                                              Leveraging Data and Technology

                                              The conversation touches on the critical role of data and technology in modern sales. Sean advocates for the use of conversation intelligence tools like Gong to analyze sales interactions and derive actionable insights. He emphasizes the importance of measuring customer reactions rather than just rep actions to enhance sales effectiveness.

                                              Key Trends and Statistics

                                              Hannah shares a compelling statistic from Drift's recent report: 39% of all conversations and 41% of meetings booked through Drift happen outside of normal business hours. This highlights the need for sales teams to be flexible and responsive to customer needs at all times. Sean discusses the importance of adaptive and prescriptive sales processes to accommodate these trends.

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                                                Actionable Tips

                                                1. Focus on Being Compellent:

                                                  • Combine being compelling and relevant to create powerful, irresistible value propositions.

                                                  • Align your messaging and approach with the current time period or circumstances.

                                                2. Deep Understanding of Your Audience:

                                                  • Invest time in understanding your ideal customer profile (ICP) and personas.

                                                  • Know what your customers care about and tailor your approach accordingly.

                                                3. Leverage Conversation Intelligence:

                                                  • Use tools like Gong to analyze sales interactions and derive actionable insights.

                                                  • Focus on measuring customer reactions to enhance sales effectiveness.

                                                4. Adopt an Account-Based Approach:

                                                  • Shift from lead-based models to account-based selling (ABS) for better focus and results.

                                                  • Align your sales process with the buyer's journey and facilitate their decision-making process.

                                                5. Flexible and Responsive Sales Processes:

                                                  • Be adaptable and prescriptive in your sales approach to accommodate changing buyer needs.

                                                  • Ensure your sales team is equipped to handle inquiries and meetings outside of normal business hours.

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                                                Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                                Uncovering the Secrets of the B2B Sales Process

                                                #14 Hannah and Thomas Ellis, Chief Sales Coach of EWC Consultants, as we dive deep into the art of creating genuine sales connections

                                                In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo sits down with Thomas Ellis, the Chief Sales Coach at EWC Consultants. They delve into the importance of building genuine sales connections rather than focusing on transactions. Thomas shares his insights on developing relationships that yield long-term success and mutual benefits for both sellers and buyers.

                                                The Importance of Relationship Building

                                                Thomas emphasizes the significance of relationship building in sales. He explains that building strong relationships over time leads to greater revenue and more fulfilling sales experiences. Thomas advises focusing on people who are receptive and willing to engage, rather than trying to win over everyone.

                                                Strategies for Authentic Engagement

                                                Thomas and Hannah discuss practical strategies for creating authentic connections. Thomas highlights the importance of being your authentic self and targeting the right audience. He suggests asking potential clients if they are open to using an outside vendor to quickly determine if they are worth pursuing. They also stress the value of personal development and continuous learning to enhance sales skills.

                                                Leveraging Social Selling and LinkedIn

                                                The conversation touches on the power of LinkedIn and social selling. Thomas encourages sales professionals to use LinkedIn to engage with potential clients, share valuable content, and build a presence. He shares his philosophy of being "pleasantly persistent," staying top of mind with prospects by consistently providing value without being pushy.

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                                                  Actionable Tips

                                                  1. Focus on Relationship Building:

                                                    • Prioritize building long-term relationships over short-term transactions.

                                                    • Identify and engage with prospects who are open to new relationships and willing to consider outside vendors.

                                                  2. Be Authentic and Personal:

                                                    • Be your true self and let your unique personality shine through.

                                                    • Use insights from personal development and continuous learning to enhance your sales approach.

                                                  3. Leverage LinkedIn and Social Selling:

                                                    • Actively engage with potential clients on LinkedIn by sharing valuable content and participating in conversations.

                                                    • Use social selling techniques to build your presence and stay top of mind with prospects.

                                                    • Use a Targeted and Strategic Approach:

                                                    • Focus on a targeted, strategic approach to contacting decision-makers.

                                                    • Evaluate your current skills and identify areas for improvement to better align with your target audience.

                                                  4. Employ the "Pleasantly Persistent" Method:

                                                    • Stay pleasantly persistent by consistently providing value in your follow-ups.

                                                    • Avoid generic check-ins and instead share relevant articles, industry insights, or personalized notes that add value to your prospects.

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                                                  Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                                  How To Be Proactive In Sales Without Being Pushy

                                                  #13 Hannah Ajikawo, and Emmett Florish, co-founder of! Discover new tactics for sales reps, blending expertise and authenticity for unmatched customer engagement.

                                                  In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo kicks off 2024 with a dynamic discussion on proactive customer engagement with guest Emmet Moore, co-founder of They explore strategies for empowering sales reps to engage customers effectively without being pushy, leveraging insights from both hosts’ extensive experience in sales leadership.

                                                  From Passive to Proactive Sales Approaches

                                                  Emmet shares his background and the mission of in enhancing deal management and forecasting. He emphasizes the shift from passive to proactive sales approaches and the pitfalls of relying solely on inbound leads. They discuss the importance of preparation and understanding the customer’s procurement process to avoid missed opportunities.

                                                  Leveraging Social Selling and Data

                                                  The conversation delves into practical strategies for segmenting prospects and tailoring communication. Emmet and Hannah highlight the significance of building trust and credibility through consistent, value-driven interactions. They also discuss leveraging social selling to enhance visibility without being overly pushy and the role of data in coaching to conversions.

                                                  Actionable Advice for Sales Professionals

                                                  The episode wraps up with actionable advice, emphasizing breaking the script, being human, and consistently delivering value. Hannah and Emmet encourage sales professionals to foster curiosity, take ownership of their development, and create supportive environments that drive better outcomes in 2024.

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                                                    Actionable Tips

                                                    1. Understand the Customer’s Procurement Process:

                                                      • Ask detailed questions to uncover their buying journey and key decision-makers.

                                                      • Align your sales cycle with their buying cycle to maintain control and reduce friction.

                                                    2. Leverage Social Selling:

                                                      • Be active and visible on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms.

                                                      • Engage with prospects by commenting thoughtfully on their posts and sharing relevant content.

                                                    3. Break the Script:

                                                      • Don’t be afraid to deviate from the usual sales script to address specific concerns or curiosities.

                                                      • Show genuine interest and adapt your approach based on the prospect’s unique situation.

                                                    4. Focus on Value-Driven Interactions:

                                                      • Provide prospects with valuable insights, articles, and content that address their specific needs.

                                                      • Avoid generic follow-ups and instead offer tangible information that progresses the conversation.

                                                    5. Build Trust and Credibility:

                                                      • Consistently share your knowledge and expertise to position yourself as a trusted advisor.

                                                      • Be honest and transparent in your communication to establish long-term relationships.

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                                                    Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                                    The Hidden Formula for Sales Success

                                                    #11 Hannah Ajikawo, sits down with sales expert Wesleyne Whittaker to discuss the importance of focusing on people to unlock sales success.

                                                    In this episode of The Buyer’s World LinkedIn Live, host Hannah Ajikawo is joined by Weslyne Greer, founder of Transform Sales, at a bustling sales conference. They explore the critical role of frontline sales managers and how investing in their development can significantly boost team performance and sales outcomes.

                                                    Weslyne Greer's Journey

                                                    Weslyne shares her transition from a chemist to an international sales manager, emphasizing the importance of taking ownership of personal and professional growth and understanding each team member’s unique motivations.

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                                                      Leadership Development

                                                      Proactive upskilling is crucial for frontline managers to lead their teams effectively, driving better sales outcomes through well-prepared managers.

                                                      Personalized Coaching

                                                      The impact of personalized coaching is discussed, focusing on understanding what drives each individual and tailoring coaching approaches accordingly.

                                                      Effective Use of Data

                                                      Utilizing data effectively involves focusing on conversion rates and prioritizing specific areas of improvement to coach teams to better results.

                                                      Building Trust and Credibility

                                                      Building trust and credibility in sales interactions is fundamental for fostering a supportive environment that enhances team performance.

                                                      Professionalism in Virtual Selling

                                                      Strategies for maintaining professionalism in virtual selling environments are shared, ensuring effective engagement with prospects and clients.

                                                      Insights into Consumer Psychology

                                                      Aligning sales strategies with human-to-human interactions can enhance the buyer’s journey, with an emphasis on understanding the psychological aspects of sales.

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                                                      Zak Rathbone-Scott Zak Rathbone-Scott

                                                      Get Your Prospects Attention With Relevance

                                                      #10 We welcome Gerry Hill, a true expert in transforming sales teams and optimising go-to-market strategies. Gerry's mission? Building what he calls "PipelineHeroes" – individuals and executives who understand the value of pipelines in the world of B2B sales. If you're ready to dominate your market, this episode is a must-listen.

                                                      In this episode of "A Buyer’s World," Hannah Ajikawo, CEO of Revenue Funnel, hosts Jerry Hill, General Manager and Regional Vice President for Connect and Sell, to discuss the importance of relevance over personalization in cold calling and top-of-funnel activities. They explore strategies for making sales outreach more efficient and effective, emphasizing the importance of speed, relevance, and execution.

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                                                        Relevance vs. Personalization:

                                                        Jerry and Hannah discuss the common misconception that personalization is always superior in sales outreach. Jerry argues that relevance is more important, especially in a B2B context, as it can be scaled and tested more effectively. Personalization, while valuable, can often be misinterpreted and is harder to execute well without deep expertise.

                                                        Efficiency in Cold Calling:

                                                        Jerry explains how Connect and Sell’s technology enables sales reps to have a conversation every four minutes, drastically increasing efficiency compared to traditional methods. He emphasizes the importance of removing cognitive load from reps and focusing on high-velocity, relevant messaging to drive better results.

                                                        Strategic Messaging:

                                                        They discuss the importance of having a clear, relevant message that addresses the prospect’s business problems and aligns with their needs. Jerry highlights the value of testing and iterating on messaging to find the most effective approach, and how this can lead to market dominance even in competitive environments.

                                                        Handling Objections:

                                                        Jerry shares his strategy for handling objections during cold calls, emphasizing the importance of staying vague, using customer stories, and maintaining control of the conversation. He advises against getting baited into technical discussions and instead focusing on setting up a follow-up meeting.

                                                        Challenges and Opportunities:

                                                        Hannah and Jerry explore the challenges faced by sales reps in today’s market, including the pressure to perform with limited resources and the need to adapt quickly to changing conditions. They stress the importance of being diligent in executing the sales process and continuously refining the approach based on feedback and results.

                                                        Building a Sales Strategy:

                                                        They provide actionable advice for sales leaders looking to transition from a personalization-focused approach to one that prioritizes relevance. This includes narrowing down target lists, focusing on speed and efficiency, and ensuring that messaging is aligned with the company’s overall strategy.

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